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Taj Mahal casino seen surviving, but workers plan to picket

Publié : 18 oct. 2014, 14:24
par Monsieur G
ATLANTIC CITY — The Trump Taj Mahal may survive after all, but it’s likely to do so with angry employees.

A federal bankruptcy judge in Delaware on Friday voided the struggling casino’s contract with its union workers, giving owner Trump Entertainment Resorts a big part of its plan to keep the casino open and save its 3,000 jobs.

But those workers were seething after Judge Kevin Gross granted the company’s request to terminate its contract with Local 54 of the UNITE-HERE union. Trump Entertainment said if the ruling went against it, it would close the Taj Mahal on Nov. 13. The company and billionaire investor Carl Icahn had said the casino can’t survive without shedding costly pension and health care obligations.

“The decision today will certainly enrage the workers who have relied on and fought for their health care for three decades,” said Bob McDevitt, president of Local 54, which lost guarantees on wages, pensions and health care. “We intend to continue to fight this both in the courts and in the streets.” ... lan-picket