New Jersey losing millions in taxes

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Monsieur G
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New Jersey losing millions in taxes

Message non lu par Monsieur G » 30 mars 2020, 18:35

NJ losing millions in taxes, fees from closed Atlantic City casinos.

ATLANTIC CITY — More than $700,000 a day in casino-related taxes and fees has been lost since Gov. Phil Murphy ordered them closed indefinitely March 16 due to concerns over the spread of the new coronavirus.

If the city’s nine casinos remain closed as the calendar creeps toward the industry’s peak months of June and July, the amount of lost taxes and fees per day could come close to $1 million, experts said.

Taxes and fees from gaming, alcohol, casino parking and hotel rooms are just some of the revenue streams that fund, among other things, programs for New Jersey’s senior and disabled residents, operational obligations of the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority, a portion of Atlantic City’s debt and the state’s general fund. ... hor_item_1
Monsieur G
