La sourde oreille des Casinos tout et de rien, mais présentons-nous d'abord :)
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Monsieur G
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La sourde oreille des Casinos

Message non lu par Monsieur G » 03 mars 2018, 18:04

Voici un article intéressant provenant du Gambling Insider. Un message que je répète depuis 20 ans, mais que les casinos ne comprennent toujours pas! Bon, faut dire que quand on est idiot on a de fortes chances de le rester...

Why Advantage Players shouldn’t worry casinos

Every so often there are people who try to circumvent the system for profit. In the casino gaming realm they are known as Advantage Players. Casinos often go to great lengths to prevent APs from playing in their casinos. The question I have for casino operators is: “Does the limited number of overtly skilled players in gaming justify the high price tags of services like the Griffin Detective Agency, while at the same time sacrificing the revenue gained from the populace by restricting rules of a game and extras rounds played.” From the title of this article, you will have likely assumed my answer is “No”. Why is this the case?

Lire la suite: ... ry-casinos
Monsieur G
