Revenus record en Pennsylvanie

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Monsieur G
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Revenus record en Pennsylvanie

Message non lu par Monsieur G » 22 janv. 2017, 18:17

Total PA Casino Gaming Revenue Tops $3.2 Billion in 2016

HARRISBURG, Pa., Jan. 17, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board said today that the gross total gaming revenue combining slot machines and table games exceeded $3.2 billion in calendar year 2016.

While slot machine revenue was slightly down in 2016 from 2015, the Board reported that table games revenue reached a record high this past year. That amount helped propel overall gaming revenue to the highest calendar year figure since legalized casino gaming began in Pennsylvania, $3,213,422,178 or 1.25% higher than in 2015. It also marked the sixth straight calendar year in which the total casino revenue figure topped $3 billion. ... 91989.html
Monsieur G
