Crime organisé et casinos en ligne

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Monsieur G
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Crime organisé et casinos en ligne

Message non lu par Monsieur G » 23 août 2013, 21:44

Online games a 'playground' for organized crime, according to security expert

Online games are a "playground" for organized crime and cyber criminals, JD Sherry, vice president of technology and solutions at Trend Micro said following the news that League of Legends accounts were compromised.

Earlier this week, account information - usernames, email addresses, salted password hashes, and some first and last names - for some North American League of Legends players were "compromised" by hackers. Riot was also "investigating that approximately 120,000 transaction records from 2011 that contained hashed and salted credit card numbers have been accessed." ... o-security
Monsieur G

Messages : 511
Inscription : 18 oct. 2010, 14:58

Re: Crime organisé et casinos en ligne

Message non lu par deuns2 » 29 août 2013, 19:44

ça ne parle pas de casinos en ligne, mais de plateforme de jeu piraté (pour usurper les identités de joueurs je présume).
